Parmentier with turnips and leeks

Cook 1-2 chopped leeks in one tablespoon butter on medium heat, along with 3-4 chopped garlic cloves. Add 3-6 sliced turnips and cook on low heat, covered for 10-15 minutes (Japanese variety – 15-20 minutes for traditional purple-top variety).

Uncover and add 2l of milk (add some cream for a gourmet treat), and blend with a hand blender until smooth. Bring to the boil, add salt and pepper to taste and serve!

(Note: Multiple variations are possible – substitute 1 can coconut milk for 500ml of milk, and/or 1tbs curry powder, or 1 tsp miso).

May 1st – October 17th 2024

Fête des Voisins de Saint-Anicet 2024

On June 1st, the municipality of Saint-Anicet invites you to the Intergenerational Park for fun activities and the fire station open house to celebrate the arrival of summer!Here are the...

from: 2024-05-01 to: 2024-10-17

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